Join us for our 11th Annual B.R.A.K.E.S. Gala! For more information or to purchase your tickets visit
If you have any questions or would like to donate email us at or call the office at 704.720.3806 today! You don’t want to miss this event!
Thank you again I truly appreciate it. I also wanted to say that my son loved your course! He was a little apprehensive at the thought of taking the course being a new driver but once he got there he truly enjoyed it. I personally applaud you all for what you are doing. Unfortunately Driver's Educat... Click to Read More!
-Parent, New Hampshire
Just want to drop a note of thanks to KKW for being a part of the driving school. Working in the transportation industry it is my hope that my son is not going to be one of those that cuts off trucks on the road or even worse is in an accident with a truck because of his ignorance of what the truck... Click to Read More!
-Dave Burrescia