You can also mail a donation to B.R.A.K.E.S. , be sure to make notes on your check so we can record it properly (ie: In Memory of, In Honor of, General Donation, etc)
7148 Weddington Rd, NW
Suite 150
Concord, NC 28027
My 17 year old son was driving on the freeway yesterday when his tire blew. He said the Brakes class he took last month taught him how respond. No injuries or accident. Tire was less than a year old. Thank you for your class. I am grateful that you offer these classes to teenage drivers.... Click to Read More!
-Katie P
I'm sure you hear this a lot, but, my son took your training 4 years ago...tonight he called me after skidding and avoiding a serious accident, quite shaken he said "thanks for the BRAKES training" Thanks to all of you that volunteer and to Doug , know that it's working and you are saving countless ... Click to Read More!
-Kris Jones