
"Just wanted to let you all know how much our family enjoyed the BRAKES class at El Toro Marine Base on Saturday 12/7 at 1pm. Both my husband and I attended with our son. He gained confidence and skill and felt it was a great experience. My husband and I commented that even at our age, we'd never had the opportunity to practice slides, panic braking, etc. was a great (although COLD!!) day :) Think it was the coldest day in Orange County in the 46 years I've lived here! It was a great experience for all of us. Please convey our heartfelt thanks to you and the entire BRAKES staff for an amazing experience. "

-Jennifer Aragonez-Harper

"The BRAKES experience was fantastic!  I thought the training was superb and that the entire experience was fantastic.  I really enjoyed speaking with Doug and Matt - both great guys.  The rain made for even better training for Connor! I told Doug that I really want to help promote other Orlando BRAKES events.  I have a great deal of experience organizing large events and am certain that I can pack the classes.  I also spoke to the ladies from Mannheim's and they were excited about future events too. I am not sure how many kids I was able to get to the classes in the short notice, but I know it was at least 5. Thanks again for the help and I look forward to working with you in the future!"

-Christopher R. Townsend

"My oldest daughter went through B.R.A.K.E.S. at 16 (she’s 25 now) and was involved in an accident shortly after. A large pickup towing a landscaping trailer pulled in front of her from an oncoming left turn lane. She had the presence of mind to jam the brakes and control steer into the lighter trailer instead of T-boning the truck. The pickup driver was cited for failure to yield. The officer on scene told her he believed that decision likely saved her life (picture attached). My youngest, Kate, was in the backseat and both were unharmed. I attribute her lifesaving move to the training she received from B.R.A.K.E.S. I am so thankful for the work you all do! I preach the B.R.A.K.E.S. “gospel” to every parent with a new driver and insist they take the course."

-Derek T

"To the Team at B.R.A.K.E.S I wanted to let you know that after over 18 months since attending your course in June 2018 my daughter had her 1st accident recently. Something hit her back tire and she starting to fishtail but she took control of the car thanks to the great instructors on your team. She is OK, a little shaken up, and not much damage to her car. The reason for my follow up is after she had calmed down her response to me was "Mum because of you sending my to the B.R.A.K.E.S. class I knew exactly what to do". I cannot imagine what would have happened had she panicked. Your course is invaluable. I would do this course ten times over and will definitely be sending my son when he turns of age. Thank you to you and your team for keeping our children safe and providing such a valuable tool to the community Regards Tanya Bowden A thankful parent in Florida "

-Tanya B

"Thank you again I truly appreciate it. I also wanted to say that my son loved your course! He was a little apprehensive at the thought of taking the course being a new driver but once he got there he truly enjoyed it. I personally applaud you all for what you are doing. Unfortunately Driver's Education really misses the mark when it comes to preparing teens and new drivers for the dangers of the road. I spent 14 years as a Police Officer and some of the best training I got was the skills I learned from our driving course. You and your team absolutely put together a course that closely mimics the instruction I received and I couldn't be more impressed. Thank you again for all you do!"

-Parent, New Hampshire

"My son and I attended BRAKES at the LA County Fairgrounds on April 26th. Yesterday, he was alone driving home from a high school baseball game approaching an intersection, on a green light about 45 mph. At the very last second, a car turned left in front of him. My son hit the brakes hard, engaging the abs, and steered away from the car as he stayed hard in the brakes, narrowly avoiding a collision. He attributed his reaction and collision avoidance to everything he learned at BRAKES. He described how, during the incident, he had anticipated the other driver turning in front of him and he knew the ABS engaged because of the feel and knew to stay on them as he steered away. The scenario was virtually identical to what he experienced at the school. Your school paid for itself 1000 times over last night. Thank you so much. "

-John Lewis,Temecula, CA

" I am writing as a mom of 2 sons, ages 19 and 21, who each participated in the B.R.A.K.E.S. program when they were 15. Neither were excited that I insisted they attend this course. Both actually enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Since receiving their licenses, my oldest has called me at least 3 times, rattled from the side of the road, saying he avoided an accident b/c he attended this course. Once, he insists he would have died with another passenger in the car. My youngest has also told me this course has helped him avoid an accident. In January, my youngest was less fortunate and flipped his car twice when he slid off an icy hill. Thankfully he was going very slowly and the hill was small. When I made it to the scene and climbed in the ambulance, he assured me he wasn't hurt: 1 bruise, no scratches. Then he immediately thanked me for making him have a "safe car" and taking "that course." He credited the course in saving him because despite losing control to stop, he was able to avoid the more dangerous obstacles like a potential cliff and a telephone poll. Coincidentally, he was driving a Kia Sedona that we purchased based on Consumer Reports and NHTSA ratings. The side airbags deployed, the tires were flat and the roof was certainly krinkled, but there was no department intrusion or even a broken window. The car was still running with the radio on with no other obvious damage visible in the dark. It was totaled based on age and airbags, but it did it's most important job, keeping my son safe, and did it well. So today, I extend my utmost gratitude to all involved in making this course available and affordable. I have spread the word on the program for 5 years and will continue to do so. "

-Jessica D

"Thank-YOU for an incredible experience.  My daughter learned so much and she did talk all the way home about her experience.  She was so excited and she really enjoyed each instructor.  Again, thank-you so much.  She is thinking about doing her senior project on BRAKES and with that comes a fundraiser that will go towards your organization so we will be in touch.  Thank-you again."

-M. M. Strickland

"First, let me say a HUGE thank you for creating the "Put On The Brakes" program. Our youngest daughter, Tessa, went through the training held last year in Irvine, CA. Because I wasn’t working at the time, we couldn’t afford Master Drive (the program we’d put our older daughter through) and a friend recommended your program to us. We signed her up immediately and were so thankful that she had the training that made us comfortable with her driving. Last Friday, my other daughter (Aspen’s) car, a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, broke down and we learned that it needed thousands of dollars of work. She’s attending Bible Institute with plans on becoming a worship leader in church… and, again, money was an issue. But my husband said we should look at Kia because that’s the car he’d driven in the Brakes program and it was affordable and a good car. So, we looked and we bought! She’s the proud owner of a 2015 Kia Soul - she’s making the payments herself, too! If it hadn’t been for Kia’s support of the Brakes program - we wouldn’t be owners of a Kia - please let them know that their support of programs like yours has a tremendous impact on the next generation of drivers. Thanks so much for your help in ensuring our girls are safe when they drive. We so appreciate it! We know your story - but we can’t imagine your loss. Our hearts are full when we think of the significant contribution you’re making into the lives of families across America as a result of the loss of your boys. We pray for you and your family!"

-Judi Chimits (and Bob)

"I want y'all to know that the $99 was some of the best money I've ever spent. I got home that afternoon and sent a note with a link to BRAKES to every parent I know with a teenage driver. My daughter gained a lot of skills that will stay with her. Thanks"

-Parent, Raleigh, NC

"5 star I don't know that I could say enough good things about this program. The organization and Instructors are phenomenal. The information is beneficial for not only teens, but the adults as well. My daughter LOVED this whole experience, is going to write about it in her school newspaper, and cannot wait to come back and watch her younger siblings take this course when it is their time. Thank you so much for doing this. It is a beautiful and meaningful tribute to your sons."

-Holly R, Detroit MI

"I attended the Brakes school with my 16-year-old daughter last Sunday in Fontana. It was extremely well organized and well managed with an evident commitment to safety one would expect. Exposing the kids to situations they may encounter is so valuable. I am very thankful for the work your organization is doing. I think you are achieving your objective which is to really make a difference!"

-Tom J

"My 17 year old son was driving on the freeway yesterday when his tire blew. He said the Brakes class he took last month taught him how respond. No injuries or accident. Tire was less than a year old. Thank you for your class. I am grateful that you offer these classes to teenage drivers."

-Katie P

"We just finished the BRAKES course Sunday at Concord. I was absolutely blown away by the experience for myself and especially for my teen. My husband has been out of work for two years, so I had intended to take back the check to hold my seat, but in the end, gratefully gave it as a donation for this stupendous program. I am a writer and write a daily inspirational blog. Today I wrote about BRAKES, and thought you might like to see it. http://vickykaseorg.blogspot.com/2013/11/arising-from-grief.html 
Many thanks to all the fantastic volunteers and an exceptional program."


"I want to thank everyone at BRAKES for yesterday's Raleigh event. I believe the skills, knowledge, and confidence the kids gained we will make them better and safer drivers. Please pass along my sincere thanks to Matt, Doug and everyone who is involved with this valuable program."


"Just want to drop a note of thanks to KKW for being a part of the driving school. Working in the transportation industry it is my hope that my son is not going to be one of those that cuts off trucks on the road or even worse is in an accident with a truck because of his ignorance of what the truck driver is going through. Thank you for putting your trucks in a program that allows our youth to take a moment to see it from the truck drivers point of view and allowing the drivers to talk with my son and others about highway safety."

-Dave Burrescia

"As a father of a new driver your program has assured me that I can feel more comfortable letting her behind the wheel. Thank you so much for your mission to keep our kids safe on the roads."


"Please feel free to share this with anyone who wants to brighten their day within your organization. This past Sunday myself and my 16 year old son participated in the BRAKES program at Belle Isle. I truly cannot express how impressive the entire day was. From the online registration to the check in to both gentleman who spoke before the kids went on their way, this was so well organized and thought out. The best part I think was the joy that the instructors had in trying to teach and keep our kids safe so they do not become a statistic. A nice touch was having the Michigan State Police there to answer questions and give us some insight. Also very much loved the adult participation, got to drive a sweet Kia K5. This was one of those events that I could not even critique if I wanted to do. Very well done, thank you for all that you do."

-Joshua R

"I'm sure you hear this a lot, but, my son took your training 4 years ago...tonight he called me after skidding and avoiding a serious accident, quite shaken he said "thanks for the BRAKES training" Thanks to all of you that volunteer and to Doug , know that it's working and you are saving countless lives."

-Kris Jones

"Thank you for this. We absolutely love B.R.A.K.E.S and truly appreciate what you all are doing. Also, a big thank you to every member of your personnel on site. They were wonderful; kind, courteous, helpful, informative, funny and very generous with their time. As soon as we got home we started messaging all our friends who are parents of teens this could work for. We had done so prior to attending to let them know about you, and did so again to tell them of our experience. We wanted to give an additional donation before we left but remembered my husband’s company sometimes matches donations so my husband is speaking with them to find out whether it can be applied in this circumstance. We truly believe that what Doug has created and what you are all doing is making a huge difference! We can only speak for how it affects us and our actions...it will never be quantifiable whether we “don’t” end up in an accident at the hands of another driver because they attended this course. Isn’t that an amazing thought (only if I made sense, lol, but I hope I did, because it’s kind of mind blowing). Thank you all again from the bottom of our hearts."

-Jamie E

"Thank you for forwarding Emma's letter to me. It looked like she wrote straight from her heart and that is what is most important !!!........her handwriting is another story :-O   Very honestly, I was immensely impressed by the amount of thought and effort that everyone at BRAKES put into the course. When we first arrived, just seeing the untold number of cones set up along the course routes was an eye opener. At age 55, I would have approached each of the exercises with real trepidation. I can only imagine what was going through  the students minds when they were asked to hop in the drivers seat and hit the pedal !!  In the end, what said it all, though, were the smiles on the student's faces as they completed their respective sections of the course. If you gave them the option to keep driving for another three hours, I don't believe you would have had any of the students turn down your offer.   Again, please thank everyone at BRAKES for a job well done and for bringing the program to Ocoee. "

-Brian K