The crash avoidance and slalom curriculum is a two part curriculum that forces students to make a split second reaction to negotiate a quick, evasive lane change without losing control. This part of the curriculum is designed to simulate an animal or object jumping out in front of a car. The second part of the curriculum is a coned slalom curriculum where students must negotiate their vehicle around cones while focusing on weight transfer, hand positioning, and eye scanning.
The drop wheel recovery curriculum teaches students how to effectively recover from a drop wheel situation by regaining control of the car and safely returning to the roadway. Drop wheel collisions are among the highest causes of injuries and deaths across the U.S..
The distraction curriculum forces a driver to negotiate a tightly coned curriculum while being distracted by the instructor. The curriculum is designed to demonstrate just how dangerous cell phones, text messaging, music, traffic, and friends in the car can be for drivers.
The panic stop curriculum is designed to teach students the proper technique to stop a vehicle in the shortest distance while maintaining control. Students experience first hand the effects of an A.B.S. (Anti-Lock Braking System) and its ability to keep the wheels from locking while pulsating brake pressure.
We use special skid tires on a curriculum, in a controlled environment, that is designed to prepare students how to drive in bad weather. We train them for situations in which they can learn how to recognize and avoid a loss of control. The students are taught how to properly avoid and recover from both over-steer (rear wheel) and under-steer (front wheel) skids.
Thank you again I truly appreciate it. I also wanted to say that my son loved your course! He was a little apprehensive at the thought of taking the course being a new driver but once he got there he truly enjoyed it. I personally applaud you all for what you are doing. Unfortunately Driver's Educat... Click to Read More!
-Parent, New Hampshire
Just want to drop a note of thanks to KKW for being a part of the driving school. Working in the transportation industry it is my hope that my son is not going to be one of those that cuts off trucks on the road or even worse is in an accident with a truck because of his ignorance of what the truck... Click to Read More!
-Dave Burrescia