Darren has competed in road racing for over 27 years, from SCCA Club racing to driving for a Nissan factory endurance racing team. He spent many years as a professional photographer and cinematographer before starting his present automotive consulting company, ArtSpeed. Darren is currently the lead instructor for the BMW CCA L.A. Chapter, has taught at many teen safe-driving schools, and works as a facilitator and product specialist for numerous manufacturers, conducting dynamic driving events, new vehicle launches and sales training programs. Darren is currently working for BMW as an instructor for their Ultimate Driving Experience program.
I attended the Brakes school with my 16-year-old daughter last Sunday in Fontana. It was extremely well organized and well managed with an evident commitment to safety one would expect. Exposing the kids to situations they may encounter is so valuable. I am very thankful for the work your organiza... Click to Read More!
-Tom J
Thank you again I truly appreciate it. I also wanted to say that my son loved your course! He was a little apprehensive at the thought of taking the course being a new driver but once he got there he truly enjoyed it. I personally applaud you all for what you are doing. Unfortunately Driver's Educat... Click to Read More!
-Parent, New Hampshire