Gail has been involved in professional motor sports for over 30 years in many different roles. As a racer she holds a National Rally Championship and International wins. She has also raced on the icy roads of northern Alaska to the humid mountains of Jamaica. She has taught since 1984 with many auto and tire manufacturer programs including teen schools. Served as a Pace Car Driver for CART for 17 years. Currently, she is a member of the Holmatro Safety Team as the driver for the Medical Team. In her spare time, Gail loves helping BRAKES!
5 star I don't know that I could say enough good things about this program. The organization and Instructors are phenomenal. The information is beneficial for not only teens, but the adults as well. My daughter LOVED this whole experience, is going to write about it in her school newspaper, and c... Click to Read More!
-Holly R, Detroit MI
The BRAKES experience was fantastic! I thought the training was superb and that the entire experience was fantastic. I really enjoyed speaking with Doug and Matt - both great guys. The rain made for even better training for Connor! I told Doug that I really want to help promote other Orlando B... Click to Read More!
-Christopher R. Townsend